The PROFESSIONAL QUANTITY SURVEYORS’ Bill was voted on 7th May 2013 in parliament following which the Act was proclaimed on 16th September 2013.
The object of this Act is to provide for the establishment of a Professional Quantity Surveyors’ Council. A legislative framework has been rendered necessary by a number of factors, including a large increase in the number of quantity surveyors and the growth of the construction sector. The Act further aims at better serving the profession of quantity surveying.
The Council will, inter alia –
Register Professional Quantity Surveyors and publish an annual list thereof.
Ensure that a firm of Quantity Surveyors (local or foreign) is in compliance with the Act.
Exercise and maintain discipline in the profession of quantity surveyors, with the assistance and support of such Professional Conduct Committee as may be set up.
Be responsible for the updating of professional knowledge and skills in the field of quantity surveying by means of Continuous Professional Development programmes.
Be responsible for advancement in the field of quantity surveying.